Fence Repair

Once your new fence is installed, you will want to perform seasonal or annual maintenance tasks to keep it in top condition. Depending upon the amount of repair and materials needed, the repair cost will vary. The cost can go from a low of $200 to a high of $500 or more. If there are a lot of warped, loose, or missing boards, it will take time to repair the damage. Cracked rails, broken hardware, and missing panel sections need to be replaced resulting in increased cost. That is why it is very important to regularly check the fence’s condition to keep repair costs to a minimum.
Over time, temperature changes, wind, rain, or cold weather, will cause a fence to deteriorate. Extreme weather changes take a toll on the durability of a fence system. Posts and panels that are improperly installed will begin to sag and fall apart. Add to that, people climbing over a fence or backing into the fence with equipment or vehicles causes damage that will compromise the fence’s stability and integrity. Fences that are not properly sealed or stained do not withstand harsh weather. The fence will look faded, dilapidated, and unsightly. This condition detracts from the curb appeal of your home.
First Choice Fence Company of St. Louis, wants you to retain the value of your fence and we can show you how to properly maintain and repair your new fence system. By hiring our skilled fence experts, we will demonstrate several tips to properly perform seasonal maintenance. We recommend that you check your fence every season, checking for broken hardware, damaged posts, loose boards, split rails, broken panels or pickets. If you have a metal chain link fence, check for loose fence ties, or bent rails, or loose chain link fabric.
If you choose to repair the fence yourself, we can show you the proper tools to use such as chalk line, post hole diggers, prybars, handsaws, hammer, shovels, nails, wheelbarrows, ready-mix cement, and other necessary tools. Some repairs can be done with hand tools or you may prefer to use power tools. Before working outdoors, always check the weather forecast. Avoid rainy days and lightning storms. It is easier to dig post holes if the ground is soft. However, the terrain should not be excessively muddy.

All types of fence material need to be maintained and repaired. Whether you have a metal, aluminum, wood, or a vinyl fence, all will require regular maintenance. First Choice Fence Company of St. Louis has the experts who can help you to fix and maintain your fence. We can save you time, back-breaking work, and hard-earned money. Let us save you the labor by repairing or replacing the fence for you. Our skill and years of experience will allow you to relax instead of spending your weekend off fixing your fence. If you use our expert installation service, we will properly install your fence which will defray the cost of repair. Professionally installed fences stand firm and last a long time.

2950 Annunciation Dr
St. Louis, MO 63125