Fence Services

First Choice Fence Company of St. Louis offers a wide variety of fencing services. We provide both residential and commercial fencing solutions. Our services provided include:
- Fence Installation
- Fence Repair
- Gate Installation & Repair
- Section Replacement
- Shoring Up of Leaning Fence
When you visit First Choice Fence Company, we will work with you to select the right type of fence that satisfies your every need. First Choice Fence Company is here to serve your needs and to aid you in determining the correct type of fence that will work for your home or business property. Visit our showroom area to view examples of fence material that fit any application or purpose. If you have a large pasture or small horse corral, we have just the right type of horse fence for you. Generally, this type of fence material is made of wood. However, it could also be made from metal or vinyl-coated fence material as well. Select a sturdy fence material that will withstand inclement weather and protect your valuable horses. The fence should be able to withstand the impact of a horse pushing against it. Horses are easily spooked causing them to push against the fence. A fence that is unstable, too low, or easily compromised will not contain one horse let alone several of them. You need a strong fence to protect your farm.
Privacy fences are usually made from wood or vinyl fence material. They are easy to maintain and they provide the amount of coverage needed to give you and your family the right amount of privacy. Entertain family and friends in your backyard without being seen by the entire neighborhood. This type of fence works well in high-traffic and residential areas where the houses are closely located. With a new privacy fence, when you sit in your backyard, never again will you feel like everyone is watching your every move. You will truly relax and enjoy leisure activities like laying in your hammock or reading a book without inquisitive intruders. First Choice Fence Company is experienced in installing all types of fences. Protect your property and your family with a sturdy fence that will surround your yard to enclose your above-ground or in-ground pool. A pool fence can be made of chain link fence fabric or a sturdy privacy fence. Chain link fence material is made with or without vinyl coating. You can purchase colorful decorative slats that can be inserted into the fence fabric which allows for privacy. The fence should have a sturdy gate that will keep out unintended visitors. First Choice Fence Company knows that you value your privacy and security.

If you need a decorative fence or a custom-designed fence, we have you covered there, too. Decorative fences are great for adding curb appeal to your yard and for protecting your beautiful garden. They work well for sidewalk edging or for adding an appealing entrance to your home. Let us custom design a fence allowing for creativity while adding beauty and purpose at the same time. First Choice Fence Company employs talented fence experts who understand the need for security, privacy, and beauty while protecting your home, farm, or business property. Let us custom design a fence that will surpass your expectations.
Fencing Types
- Custom Designed Fences
- Privacy Fences
- Decorative Fences
- Pool Fences
- Horse Fence
Fence Material
- Aluminum Fence
- Chain Link Fence Wooden Fence
- Vinyl Fence
- Steel Fence

2950 Annunciation Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63125